Stock Information - Investor Relations - BOE | BOE


    Basic Information

    Company Name BOE TECHNOLOGY GROUP CO., LTD. Address 12 Xihuan Middle Road, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area, P.R.China
    Legal Representative Chen Yanshun Chief Executive Officer Chen Yanshun
    Short for Stock BOE-A, BOE-B Stock Code 000725,200725
    Place of Listing Shenzhen Stock Exchange Time to Market BOE-A : 2001/1/12 BOE-B:1997/6/10
    Board Secretary Liu Hongfeng Securities Representative Luo Wenjie
    Total Share Capital 37,649,981,416 A/B Share Capital 36,957,097,289 / 692,884,127
    Top ten shareholders
    Select time:
    Shareholder Name
    Shareholding Ratio
    Number of Shares Held

    No Data
